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بليز ابي بعض برقرافات للمواضيع ساعدوني . للصف الحادي عشر 2024.

  • بواسطة

سلام عليكم والرحمه
ابي مساعد بعض

الـــ " write paragraphs "

1- education
2- learner sityl
3- memory
4- friendship

5- how con write report

بليز والله مهم يوم الاحد علي الامتحان

وأنا يوم جفت العنوان استانست قلت يمكن حد فيه خير ورد….آخر شي تقفطت…أسمحيلي أخوتي بروحي أنا أدور …..وإن لقيت ما بقصر وياج

والله..هذا الموجود ع جهازي….ويمكن هذا محملتنه من نفس القسم>>من معهدنا الغالي :)…بس يالله بحطلج إيااه وإن شاء الله بيفيدج

^^>>>I hope

;hjabout a good teenager : ( عن المراهق الجيد )

1- I believe teenager respect their parents at all times .
2- they should listen to their parents ideas .
3- I think good teenagers should be polite with their teachers .

about equations ( المعادلة ) :

1- equations are used in business and maths .
2- sometimes equations are numbers .
3- equations are sometimes words .

about how to manage your time : ( كيف تدير أو تنظم وقتك )

1- we must have enough time to do the work we have to do .
2- we must balance the work and the time available .
3- lt’s better to do the most important work first .

about how to beat time thieves(كيف تهزم لصوص الوقت ) .

1- Tum off mobile phone if you are studying .
2- a cup of water is better for concentration than a cup of coffee .
3- don’t plan to study at silly times of the day .

Write a paragraph about how to learn new information ( كيف تحفظ معلومة جديدة ) :

There are five main ways of learning new information . the first way is frequency .this means hearing or reading new information lots of times . for example you should write the new information 10 times and say it to yourself . the second way is activity . it is doing something with new information . variety is another way . it means doing different things with new information . linking new information with old one is another way . for example , you should link a new word to a word you already know . finally , finding something new information helps learning it .

How to keep friends . ( كيف تحافظ علي أصدقاؤك )

Keeping friends is an important thing to do . good friends are sometimes better than brothers . moreover , l like the friend who is supportive . who can help me when I need him because a friend in need is a friend indeed . I don’t like those friend who always criticize me . on the other hand a good friend should be honest and reliable . I like the friend whom I can depend on and trust . I can tell him about my problems and he can help me solve them and try to think about my feeling . finally , it is very necessary to keep friendship forever because life without friends is impossible .

How to solve problems between friends ( كيف تحل المشاكل بين الأصدقاء )

Problems may occur at any time between friends . problems between friends don’t go away by themselves . it is a good thing to talk to our friend about the problem because he may not recognize that he did something annoying . in addition , it is not a good idea to confront a friend while being angry , it’s better to calm down first , then discuss the problem . the best thing to solve a problem with a friend is to talk to him face to face and share feelings .

Managing time : ( إدارة تنظيم الوقت )

Managing time is very important in our daily life . we must have enough time to do the work we have to do . we must also ensure that work equals the time available . it is easy to and the previous work . it is very important to do the current work first then do the previous one , but if we don’t do the correct work , it becomes previous as a result the work accumulates and we can’t do it properly . so it is very necessary to manage your time in order to get done .

How to beat the time thieves ( كيف تهزم مهدرات الوقت ) :

in everyone’s life , there are time thieves . those thieves could be people , things and inside ourselves . some people would like either to talk or take our time while we are busy to busy want to offer any help . for example , if a friendly colleague wants to talk , tell him that you want to study . sometime time thieves are the mobile phone or untidy desk . so it better to know when to use the phone and it wise too to tidy your desk before you sit to study . finally our stomach and brain can take much of our time . it is a good idea to stop studying when we are hungry , we have to plan to study after having a light meal .

[COLOR="Blue"]مشكوره اختي على البرقرافات ..[/COLOR]

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