هذا تقرير عن شلال الوريعة الموجود في الإمارات – إمارة الفجيرة ..،
أول شي .. بآلعربي ..
الوريعة من أجمل الشلالات في الامارات….
وقدانتهت أعمال الانشاء به في ديسمبر عام 97، ويبلغ ارتفاعه حوالي 33.5 متر ، وطوله 367 مترا ، وسعته التخزينية 2.5 مليون متر مكعب من المياه .
وقد صمم السد لحجز أكبر كمية من المياه أمامه ، وفي فيضان الماء أمام الجسم الرئيسي للسد يتم حجز الكميات الاضافية أمام الخزان أو الحاجز الثاني ، ثم الحاجز الثالث حتى مجرى الوادي بما يضمن عدم وصول المياة إلى البحر، أو قطع الطريق الرئيسي بين المدن كما كان يحدث سابقا.
و آلحين بآلإنجليزي ..
Wurayah of the most beautiful waterfalls in the United Arab Emirates ….
Valley Wurayah major tourist destination landscapes charming, 45 miles north of the city of Fujairah, located on the road to Dibba through Khorfakkan Halfallt beautiful fall throughout the year and there Alogadir and tables that are Bhaalmiah the effect of water falling from the waterfalls in some wadis such as Wadi commended. The Falls Wurayah of the most beautiful waterfalls in the United Arab Emirates, where the flow of clean water throughout the year, in a scene utmost beauty of this in exports the Government of Fujairah, the importance of this tourist resort wonderful, Vmutir to be a tourist attraction and park guests, and is keen to build a dam is one of the most important dams in the emirate to take advantage of this water is flowing and that. endowed by God Almighty for the region.
Kdantht and the work of construction in December 1997, and a height of about 33.5 meters, and a length of 367 meters, and storage capacity of 2.5 million cubic meters of water.
Was designed by the dam to reserve a greater amount of water in front of him, and in the flood water in front of the main body of the dam is reserved for the additional amounts to the tank or the second barrier, then the third one until the course of the valley to ensure that no water access to the sea, or cut off the main road between the cities, as was the case previously.