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طلب كتابة مقال باللغة الانجليزية عن الوحدة السادسة للصف العاشر 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

لوسمحتم ابغي تكتبون لي مقال للوحدة السادسية من كتاب اللغة الانجليزية وهذا السؤال والنقاط المساعدة
In what way can people make differance in their community

وهذه النقاط المساعدة

1- fighiting people
2- helping people the poor peoplr
3- helping people with special need

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
حصلت لك هاي المقالة..
ان شاء الله تفيدك..
Community group of people that are half closed system, which form a network of relations between people, the ordinary meaning of the society refers to a group of people living together in an organized fashion and in an organized group. And community-based study is based upon social sciences. A group of individuals living in a particular location Tterbt between cultural and social relations, seeking each of them to achieve the interests and needs.

Corresponding to the word community in English society that carry the word meanings of peaceful coexistence among individuals, between the individual and the others .. The important thing in society that its members share common concerns or worries is working to develop a common culture and awareness of prints and individuals in society are common characteristics of the personality of this community and identity.

In the social sciences, Alalemyae tends to be regarded as "community" semi-closed system semi-closed posed by a group of people, so that most of the interactions and influences come from members of the same group of humanity. And go beyond some strides in the science of abstraction, while the community is a group of relations between social entities. Stand out in the English another word close in concept to the joint community is the group that are considered by some association or group without the inter-relationships between members of the group, he is concerned that the term a group involved in the home without food and attention on the links between members of the group. Some social scientists such as Ferdinand Tِnnies Tonaz see there is a profound difference between the group and joint the community and is considered the most important characteristic is the existence of community social structure which includes a number of the most important aspects of governance and control and social stratification Social rank.

Human society is a complex system is balanced change and evolve constantly, where you pay the complexities and contradictions of social development researchers to the next logical conclusion: that any simplification, minimize, or ignore the multiplicity of social factors inevitably leads to a proliferation of errors and lack of understanding of the processes surveyed. Having decided on the opinion that the discovery of scientific laws is impossible in the general field of studies of social evolution in control of the control group on a comprehensive academic and especially among those who specialize in the humanities and face directly in their research, all the complexities of social processes and structures. The method of research as a system of human society is very complex to recognize different levels of abstraction and measurements of time. The basic task of the scientific analysis is to find the main forces that affect certain systems to discover scientific laws through the initial detachment from details and deviations of the rules. Of course, human society is a very complex system indeed. Can we described a simple scientific laws? The recent achievements in the field of mathematical modeling enables us to answer this question a positive answer to a specific – of social evolution can be described by a simple Macroqguanan accurate and acceptable manner.


السّــلآم عليكمْ ..

مَــآ قصرت الأختْ ..

بَــآركك الربْ ..

مشكورة الاخت ولك مني اجمل تقييم

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