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طلب ورقة عمل للصف العاشر 2024.

  • بواسطة

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
ممكن بدي ورقة عمل او شرح عن

relative clause

who – whose – whom – that – which

السسلام عليكم


RELATIVE CLAUSE (Who / Which / where)

* A clause is apart of sentence.
* A relative clause tells us which person or thing ( or what kind of person or thing) the speaker means.

Ex) The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
(Relative clause tells us which woman).
Ex) We know a lot of people who live in London.
( it tells us what kind of people ).

• We use WHO in a relative clause when we are talking about people (not things). We use WHO instead of (he/she/they). We also can use (that) instead of WHO.

Ex) The man who lives next door is very friendly.

• We can’t leave the relative pronoun out if it is the sub of the relative clause. Ex) we can’t say : The man lives next door is friendly.

• When we are talking about things we use WHICH or that in a relative clause.

Ex) Where is the cheese? – It was in the fridge.
 Where is the cheese which was in the fridge ?
• That is more usual than which.
• When who or which is the obj we can leave it out.

Ex) The woman was away on a holiday.
I wanted to see her.
 The woman who I wanted to see was away on a holiday.
 The woman I wanted to see was away on a holiday.

Ex) That is the blouse. I like it.
 That is the blouse which I like.  That is the blouse I like.

Where Replace place references.

The building is new. I live in it.
The building where I live is new.
__________________________________________________ _________

• The girls who serve in the shop are Ahmad’s daughters.

• The book is about a man who deserts his wife.

• The film is about a group of people who are trapped in a lift.

************************************************** **********
• This is the shirt. I bought it yesterday.
This is the shirt which I bought yesterday

• This is the company. We work in it.
This is the company which we work in.

• I dont know the place.I bought this book from.
Idont know the place where I bought this book.

choose the correct answer:

1) She attended the meeting ………………………….….. was held last week.
(who, when, which, whom)

2) Ahmad sent the message ………………….. Mr. Barkat asked for.
(which, who, whose, whom)

3) I have read the book ……………..….. I borrowed from you yesterday.
(who, whose, where, which)

4) I can’t remember the book ……………..you gave me.
( who , when , which )

5) sometimes we cant remember the place ………we keep some dear things.
( where,when,which,why)

6) its the people not computer,…………run the world.
( How,where,who,whose)

7) people in general,like visiting the places………..they lived their childhood.

8) its drivers,not cars…………….make accidents.


طيبة ما قصرت
اي شي ثاني حاظرين



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