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قصه عن المغامرة للصف التاسع 2024.

  • بواسطة

السسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

Megan and Millie

My name is Megan and today I am so excited as my daddy is taking me on a special boat called Barada. It is my dad’s pride and joy, he loves the water and so do I. It is a really sunny day today and daddy thought it would be a fun day to go on a boat trip. He has lots planned for our special day out. It doesn’t take me long at all to pack a bag and sit waiting by the front door; "Come on daddy, how long before we can go?" I shouted. I was getting very impatient. It wasn’t long before daddy had everything he needed and we could set off on our travels.
Once we arrived at the boat, I was even more excited than before. Daddy told me to sit down as we were ready set sail. It wasn’t long after we set sail, I was sitting, holding on tightly, the wind blowing through my long hair, when suddenly I stopped smiling. I saw a massive black figure heading for our boat. “Daddy, look over there!” I shouted at the top of my voice. ”Don’t worry" daddy said, " it won’t hurt us.” I wasn’t convinced and felt my grip get a lot tighter and I started to feel very scared.
But then…. BANG! It was a huge whale. He crashed into our boat. "MEGAN!" daddy shouted, but it as too late I had already fallen into the water. I sank to the bottom. I was cold and very scared, I started to panic. My arms were all over the place. Usually I was a really good swimmer, but some how just couldn’t manage to get my arms moving.
Just then……. from nowhere, a colourful seahorse came charging up at me and stopped at a holt in front of me. “Don’t panic Megan" she said, "I’ll save you. My name is Millie, glad to meet you.”
All of a sudden the frightened panic feeling had gone and I was very calm. Millie waved her fin over my face and everything became okay. I COULD BREATH! Millie took hold of my hand and dragged me back to my boat. “Don’t worry about the whale, his name is Eric. He’s very clumsy,” she said softly.
As soon as my daddy saw me at the surface he pulled me upon the boat. I looked down into the water to see if Millie was still there. She wasn’t. My dad dried me off and gave me a lots cuddles. He was so pleased I was ok. I was so pleased I was ok. But I was also sad because I never got to thank Millie for saving my life.
My daddy kept apologising to me and told me not to be frightened and that something like this would never happen again. He said if I didn’t want to come out on his boat again he would understand. But I did want to go out on the boat again, I had just had the most magical experience. I didn’t want to tell daddy about Millie because it was just mine and Millie’s secret and ONLY mine and Millie’s secret!
"I love you dad!" I whispered, "I can’t wait for my next adventure." "I love you too Megan" dad said, holding on to me very tightly.


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

بارك الله فيج..

ما قصرتي..


وعليكم السسلام ورحمه الله وبركاته
الله يسسلمج
اششكرج ع مرورج

تسلمين وما قصرتي

يعله في ميزان حسناتج


الله يسسلمج
اشكرج ع مرورج

مشكورة اختي ما قصرتي

مشكورة الطيبة على القصة المفيدة وايد حلوة
اتمنى الكل يحط مواضيع تتعلق بمنهج الانجليزي الجديد يعني مثلا سويتي مشروع او تقرير دخلي وحطي تاخذين حسنات وتفيدون غيركم

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