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مساعده بغيت امتحانات للوحده الاولى والثانيه الصف الثاني عشر 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاااته..

شحالكم.. خليجية

بغيت امتحانات للوحده الاولى والثانيه والي عنده امتحانات تخص الفصل الدراسي الاول

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ودمتم في حفظ الرحمن

When the level of potential energy in the corn is higher than the ground level??
C – when you are in raising ..

Emission spectrum is linear: light packages of vacuum tube.

Question 2 – hydrogen atom to Atbos only specific frequencies of light to what?
C – for the interpretation of these observations have been several attempts led to a new theory of the atom is called quantum theory ..

Q 3 – Increases the level and separates the nucleus usually spacious area devoid of electrons??
C – because increasing the electron energy is usually further away form the nucleus of an atom ..

Q 4 – How explained the theory of Port-linear spectrum of the hydrogen atom??
C – When an electron is at any level can not gain power or lose it ..

1 – wave nature of electrons through a process of emission and absorption ..
2 – electrons of the physical nature of the evidence that her speed and mass of
3 – Note the electrons are waves at frequencies unified
4 – calculated energy relationship E-h frequency specific and consistent.

Theory of how the presence of Huahtmal electron in a particular region of space surrounding the nucleus

Q 5 – What the scientists used the quantum numbers?
C – to describe fully the properties of astronomy and the properties of electrons it contains ..

Indicates the magnetic quantum number and the symbol M in the direction of astronomy around the nucleus ..

Q 6 – Increases the quantum de******ion presented a model of the atom developed by analogy with the Bohr model?
C – to put it to a de******ion of the arrangement of electrons in atoms ..

Defines the arrangement of electrons in an atom arrange-mail ..
Save ((1s – 2s – 2p – 3s – 3p – 4s – 3d – 4p – 5s))
Electrons fill the lowest energy level of I. ..

Oovbao principle is the specialty of the distribution system of electrons in the universe ..

According to Pauli exclusion principle no electrons of the atom are the same four quantum numbers the same ..

Indicate the quantum numbers President, secondary and magnetic-to-energy astronomy and the shape and direction ..

Alonnmikat: is 14 element, atomic numbers from 58 (Ce Ce) to 71 (lutetium Lu) and because the properties
Chemical and physical properties very similar necessitated the identification effort of many chemists.

Aloktneidat: It is also a group of 14 elements, and atomic numbers of 95 (thorium) to 103 (Lawrencium)
Allantneidat and belong to Aloktneidat sessions, 6 and 7, respectively, located between the two groups 3 and 4 ..

The ease of this unique electron assist in making the very first group ****ls reactivity .. And using N as the number and the highest occupied electron energy ..

Why are there elements in nature as components individually?? Because they are very active ..

Transition elements: elements are the ****llic properties of model and connected to electricity well and with great gloss and less active than the alkali ****ls and alkaline earth ..

Atomic radius: the distance between the cores Honcef atoms chemically identical and interrelated ..

Increases the sessions gradually decreasing radii from left to right?? Because of increased positive charge of the nucleus and the electrons gradually withdraw to the key levels to the nucleus and leads to the diagonals equally ..

Increasing atomic number less than the radius ..

Increasing sizes of atoms as captured electrons under high levels of energy levels or the more remote the key from the nucleus ..

Increasing atomic radii of the key elements as we head from top to bottom in the group such as increased levels of key ..

Increasing radius with increasing atomic number in order to increase levels ..

Ion: is the atom or group of atoms linked with a negative charge or positive ..

Ionization energy: the energy required to remove one electron from the neutral atom of a particular item shipment ..

Increases the: second ionization energy is greater than the first and third larger than the second?? Because of the increased influence of the positive charge in the nucleus to increase the impact of positive charge in the nucleus to increase the number of protons to electrons ..

Valence electrons: the electrons of the atoms gain or loss of her or share them ..

Parent topic: Carty, location: United Arab Emirates Institute of Education uae4us
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القاموس – ط¹ط±ط¶ ط§ظ„ظ‚ط§ظ…ظˆط³ ط§ظ„ظ…ظپطµظ„

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