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هذا تقرير عن famous sport واتمنى يعجبكم للصف العاشر 2024.

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السلام عليكم ورحمه الله ..

Famous sport

Gellaina was an old Bahraini game. My father used to play it when he was in my age. Gellaina isn’t just an old Bahraini game, it’s a traditional game.

Two friends usually play the game. One in a circle made on the ground, big enough to for him to stand in and the second stands around 50 feet from the circle. The guy in the circle holds a bat and the other holds a short stick. To get the other’s attention, the one holding the short stick shouts “Yaay?”, and if the other is ready he shouts “Yaay!” back. So the guy outside the circle through the little stick to try and get it in side the circle, but the guy inside the circle tries to hit the little stick with the bat while it’s still moving. If the little stick falls in the circle the guy outside the circle wins, but if the guy inside the circle hits it with the bat or the stick falls outside the circle, they count the distance between the stick and the circle using the bat’s length.

That used to be played everyday in Bahraini, kids considered it as a prayer! But that isn’t happening anymore.

A few years ago, I traveled with my family to London. The trip started well. Suddenly things started to go wrong one by one. First, the bank canceled my father’s account. We didn’t have any pocket money. The hotel threw us out, because we were paying the rent week by week and the bank canceled the account on the last day of the week. We couldn’t even send a letter to any of our family member’s for help. My father kept going to the bank everyday because of the cancellation of his account. Out of nowhere, my mother found a few hundred of pounds in on of my father trousers which were for times like this. We were able to buy some food and live in a cheap motel. A week later, the bank reactivated my father’s account and he bought a ticked to Bahrain as soon as that happened. That was an experience that I don’t want to repeat!

My favorite game

There are lots of new games now days. But my favorite game is basketball, I like it because it is exciting and enthusiastic, also I believe that this game give the player confidence and patience. In our days some people takes it as a profession job. They make a lot of money just from it and they will be very famous and popular to other people and fans who like this bore less sport.

I was playing this game since I was a child, now I play it in Bahrain Club with a team called “The Freedom Team”. Last year our coach took the team on camping in France. We learned a lot of things there and we challenged high standard teams. Our team won the cup and I won the golden medal for the best player.

Professional Sport

Taking sports as a profession has many advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages are health, wealth, and fame, while the main disadvantage is the sacrifices.
If you accept sports as a profession then you will have a good health condition, which is something you can never buy. Gaining a well amount of money and becoming rich is another thing. You will be able to buy things you never could buy before such as cars and houses. Fame is something that comes naturally with wealth. The richer you are the more you become famous.
However, there is a problem which is the sacrifices you have to do. Training all the time is one of the sacrifices. Having to give up most of your personal time to be in a four, or more, walled room is a big sacrifice.
But if you don’t take sports as a profession the disadvantages would be the advantages!

Winning Money

Two years ago I won 25 Million Bahraini Dinnars. I became very happy. I stayed up for three nights thinking about what I would do with my money. The first thing I did was giving my parents 3.5 million and my brothers one million. Then I bought two cars and hired a driver. Of course one was a sports car and very fancy and the other was fancy but luxurious. Then I added lots of accessories to $$$$. After that, I rebuilt my house and some of my friend’s houses. I rebuilt my school, too. I bought lost of facilities for my school. I bought new computers for the computer laboratory. I traveled to many places such as France, Britain, America, Japan and Germany. Afterwards, I started thinking about the future, and the best way to increase to my money, so started a business to increase my money. And now I am able to buy and do more things.

Famous Sport

Scelelengo is an old Bahraini game. I used to play it a lot with the neighbors. My father used to play it when he was young too.
Only two teams play it. The first team must defend three or four cans, filled with sand, that are standing on top of each other, while the second team must try to hit the cans and make them fall using a small ball. If the cans fall then one of the first team members refills the cans while the others try to hit the second team members with the ball.
Usually, that’s how I used to play the game in my old neighborhood, but now things are different. I am not even sure if anyone plays that game anymore.


Last week I had the worst luck ever. I went on a picnic with my friends and everything just went wrong. In the beginning everything was smooth and nice; the Sun was shining and the sky was blue, cool wind blowing. A day couldn’t be better which made us go on a picnic.
So we decided to go to the forest. When we reached the right spot and started putting everything out, that’s when a smooth day started converting into a living Hell! First, the Sun disappeared and the sky turned grey and black then it began to rain for a few minutes then the rain became hail! The wind blew away our food and stuff. When we tried to use the car and go home, we discovered that we lost the keys! We couldn’t use our mobile phones because of all the rain and hail. So we searched for a $$$$ter until the situation changed which took a few ساعة. In the end, everything went back to normal and I called my brother and he came to take us back home. My friend called one of his parents to bring the spare keys but still the car wouldn’t start, so he went home with his parents. That was the worst luck I ever had in my life.

Professional Sport

Athletics is a matter, which can frequently prove difficult to write about due to its complexity and wide subject area. To analyze the topic in simple terms we can identify the main advantages and disadvantages of being a successful athlete.

The key advantage of being an athlete is gaining perfect health condition. Becoming a successful athlete can also bring a certain amount of admiration with it, from people the world over. Having the spotlight of the media aimed at you and your career, which can be a benefit to some, most often generates this acknowledgment. Furthermore, this fame and popularity can often deliver the athlete wealth, an obvious advantage.

Despite these benefits, there are also a number of disadvantages, which can be associated with becoming a successful athlete. Sacrifices must be made in order for an athlete to reach the top, and then maintain that position. A large majority of the personal life must be given up for training purposes. This training is often repetitive but is essential if the athlete wants to succeed.

Therefore to be a player, simply possessing the knowledge of how to play is not enough. Knowing, and being willing to accept the advantages and disadvantages which come with the task is all required in order to excel.

The year 2024

By the year 2024, I will have had finished school and college for quite a while. I will be working as a pilot for fourteen years. I should have visited lots of countries and cities like London, New York City, Detroit, Florida and Bombay. I will have had many souvenirs if I worked as a pilot. I will have had a luxurious car before that time and might be having a sports car as well. I will have been married for ten years and will probably have had two children by then. It will be hard having more children because I will be flying most of the time. My wife might have visited many countries because she might get free tickets. I will have been living with my wife and children in a villa underground for years.

Winning Money

My friend won a large sum of money, if I was in his place I would do lots and lots of stuff. First, I will give most of it to my parents. I would rebuild my house. I would repaint my room and redecorate it. I might build an underground room for me. Then, I would rebuild my school and buy new facilities for my school. I will lend a few of my friends some money or I might even give it to them. I would buy two cars, a sports car and a luxury car. I would buy lots of clothes and suites. I would donate some money for Palestine and the poor. I build a mosque or two for the people for judgment day. I might buy an Island and live on it. I will save some money to get married in the future. I might buy a land for the future too. I might try to start a business to make more of what I have and hopefully I will

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