تخطى إلى المحتوى

ورقة عمل وقصة , اللغة الانجليزية , السابع الصف السابع 2024.

احــم احــم افضل أنــه بعــد قددوم الامتحــانات أن احط لكككم امتححان وارجووا الردوود ><خليجية
Unit 4
Vocabulary & Grammar

Choose the correct answer:
1- How ___________ get to work?
a) do b) you c) do you d) is you

2- How _________ does it take to reach the school?
a)far b) long c) tall d) big

3- How _____ is it to Abu Dhabi ?
a)long b) far c) tall d) big

4- Do you go home _____ bus , train or tram?
a)with b) by c) in d) on

5- _______takes ten minutes to reach the restaurant.
a)I b)we c) it d) its

6- A tram is __________ bus.
a)a kind b) a kind of c)kind of d) kind

7- The girl _________ win the prize.
a)wants b) to c)want to d)wants to

8- There are exactly ______ students in the college .
a)thousand b)a thousands c)a hundred

9- about ten________ of workers gave up their jobs.
a)hundred b) a hundred c)a thousand

10- Work starts at 7am and ______ at 2 pm .
a)ended b)ends c)ending d)end

Choose the correct answer:

11- Ali is a popular teacher , _____ works very hard.
a)he b)she c)it d)they

12- _________ you come from the UAE?
a)Do b)Are c) Is d)Am

13-__________ you from Spain?
a)Do b)Are c) Is d)Am

14- Can she __________ see the doctor ?
a) to see b)sees c)see d) saw

15- There ______ snow on the peak of the mountain.
a)are b)is c) am d) were

16- What ______________ this word mean?
a)does b) is c) do d) was

17- The Nile and the Amazon ______ famous rivers.
a) is b)are c) am d) was

18- If you need more money ,get a ______________ job.
a) Part time b) part-time c) time d) part

19- There is a ______________ in this old house.
a)room scary b)scary room c)room big d)room small

20- How _______ is the hospital? 2 km from here.
a)long b)small c) far d)short

2-Study this table :
In Town Of اسم البلدة
On Island Of اسم الجزيرة
On Coast Of اسم المدينة الساحل
Walk From—— To ——- يمشي من..الى. .

Ali lives _____ town of Grantville . ( in , on , at ).
She lives ______ of Island of Kiesh, ( in , on , at )
Sharjah is ______ the north coast. ( in , on , at )

في الأرقام الكبير نستخدم الفاصلة بعد كلمتي مليون و ألف ونستخدم كملة and بعد hundred وتوضع الهايفن (-) بعد الأرقام التي تنتهي ب ty مثل thirty انظر إلى المثال :
Two million , four hundred and fifty-six .

3- Choose the correct words :

1- Children usually ride their ___________ to the park.
a) bicycles b) cars c) trains
2- Only the captain can fly a ____________ .
a) tram b) bike c) car d) plane
3- The _________ is a bike that has an engine.
a) motorbike b) tram c) bike d) cycle
4- It is not easy to _______ a boat in a storm .
a) drive b) fly c) sail d) ride
5- A __________ is a kind of train.

a) bike b) hovercraft c) tram d) chapter

Choose the correct answer:

11- Ali is a popular teacher , _____ works very hard.
a)he b)she c)it d)they

12- _________ you come from the UAE?
a)Do b)Are c) Is d)Am

13-__________ you from Spain?
a)Do b)Are c) Is d)Am

14- Can she __________ see the doctor ?
a) to see b)sees c)see d) saw

15- There ______ snow on the peak of the mountain.
a)are b)is c) am d) were

16- What ______________ this word mean?
a)does b) is c) do d) was

17- The Nile and the Amazon ______ famous rivers.
a) is b)are c) am d) was

18- If you need more money ,get a ______________ job.
a) Part time b) part-time c) time d) part

19- There is a ______________ in this old house.
a)room scary b)scary room c)room big d)room small

20- How _______ is the hospital? 2 km from here.
a)long b)small c) far d)shortخليجيةخليجية

الملفات المرفقة

جووفي انا استاايلي ححلو بس البروججكت ماال رفييجتي وقاالت لي اححطه انززين ><

الملفات المرفقة

بارك الله فيك وجزيت خيرا

الملفات المرفقة

السسلام عليكم
يزاج الله خير
يعطيج العافيه

الملفات المرفقة

بارك الله فيج


الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

يعطيج العافية اختي عالطرح..

والسموحة منج جاري تعديل العنوان لسهولة العثور عالموضوع..

موفقة يارب.

الملفات المرفقة

يــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــســــــــــــــــــ ــــــــلمـــوو


الملفات المرفقة

يزاج الله خير
تسلمين ع الاسئلة

الملفات المرفقة

اترك تعليقاً

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