برقراف عن junk food اماراتي 2024.

السلااااااااام عليكم

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لو سمحتوووووووووو ابي موضوووع عن junk food

اللي يكون في رايين ويتضمن الايجابيات والسلبيات مع المقدمه والخاتمه

بليييييييييييز ابييييييييه باجر ضروري الله يخليكم خليجيةخليجيةخليجية

الغلا هنا


إن شاء الله يفيدج ..

وهذا ايضا غير

Junk food is the food that is unhealthy or having poor nutritional value .Junk food contains high levels of fats,salt, many additives such as monosodium glutamate,and tartarzine. It lacks proteins,vitamins,and fiber among others.It is popular with suppliers so it is easy and cheap to manufacture and to buy. lt is popular with its consumers because it requires little or no preparation.Eating junk food causes obesity, diabetes, blood pressure,heart diseases and dental cavities.Examples of junk food are hambergers,chips. Junk food does not contain the good things that the healthy body needs.
Achieving a healthy diet is popularly misperceived as being attainable by eating ‘healthy foods’. Many people[attribution needed] falsely believe that there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods; they develop bad diets because they think that abundant eating of foods they consider ‘healthy’ will create a healthy diet. However, this is far from the truth.
Although a healthy diet is based upon nutrition, people eat foods and not nutrients; as few people know which foods supply which nutrients, allowing people to self-regulate their diets means that they run the obvious risk of deficiency. Due to past difficulties of educating people about nutrient intake, governments have opted to counsel on what foods to eat rather than on what nutrients to ingest.



إماراتية حلوه ماقصرت .

بارك الله فيها ويزاها خير اليزاا 🙂

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