مقدمة عن الخضروات والخاتمة للصف العاشر 2024.

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بليز ابا منكم مقدمة عن الخضروات والخاتمة بعِـِِـِـِـِد ..

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هذي يمكن مقدمة
Vegetables belong to botanical plant families, which are known by Latin names. Why is it important to
know a vegetable’s botanical, or Latin name? First, botanical names positively identify plants, distinguishing between related varieties. Common names may differ regionally. For example, the vegetable whose Latin botanical name is Solanum melongena is called an eggplant in North America and an aubergine in Britain. Secondly, for gardening purposes, plants in the same botanical grouping have common growth requirements and are susceptible to the same diseases and pests. Thirdly, plants in the same species can cross-pollinate, important when deciding where to plant crops in the garden. And lastly, crop rotation requires knowing if crops are in the same family.

.. المقدمة<<

A vegetable is an edible plant or part of a plant other than a sweet fruit or seed. However, the word is not scientific, and its meaning is largely based on culinary and cultural tradition. Therefore the application of the word is somewhat arbitrary and subjective. For example, some people consider mushrooms to be vegetables,[1][2][3] while others consider them a separate food category.[]


However, vegetables often also contain toxins and antinutrients such as α-solanine, α-chaconine[11], enzyme inhibitors (of cholinesterase, protease, amylase, etc.), cyanide and cyanide precursors, oxalic acid, and more.[citation needed] Depending on the concentration, such compounds may reduce the edibility, nutritional value, and health benefits of dietary vegetables. Cooking and/or other processing may be necessary to eliminate or reduce them.

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