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Essay about manage your time للصف الحادي عشر 2024.

السلام عليكم ابى لو سمحتوا مقال او فقرة عن تنظيم الوقت وبسرعة اذا ممكن ,وشكراخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجية

Time management


You can’t add any more hours to your day so learning to manage your time more effectively will help you plan your work more efficiently and ensure deadlines are met. Managing time effectively is a particularly crucial ingredient in successful projects. It is important to manage $$$$ your personal and professional lives because as much as you try to keep them separate they cannot help but infringe upon one another. Managing your own time will not only benefit you but those around you as well.


What is Time Management ?
According to Wikipedia, time management includes tools or techniques for planning and scheduling time, usually with the aim to increase the effectiveness and/or efficiency of personal and corporate time use.
What Does Planning Your Time Involve?
 Planning involves determining what you want to achieve and how you intend to go about achieving it
 Planning gives you a chance to spend your most valuable resource in the way you choose
 As you plan, be sure to include all aspects of your life
Step One: Monitor Your Time
 Monitor how you currently use your time by using a weekly schedule that list all waking hours in 15 minute increments
 Record everything that you do during the periods you are awake, including eating, getting ready for work or school, etc.
 Build a semester plan
What is a Semester Plan?
 Begin your semester plan by blocking out class time and other timed commitments
 The best time to develop your semester plan is during the second week of classes. By this time, professors should have provided you with detailed requirements of the course as well as your first assignment. By this time, you should be able to determine the amount of workload for each course in a more realistic manner
 Keep this schedule in a prominent place so that you have access to it daily

Step Two: Create a To-Do list
 Brainstorm and write down all tasks you want to complete in the next week as well as the next day
 Estimate the amount of time it will take you to complete each task on your to-do lists. Then add up the amount of time needed to complete all of your tasks, and compare it to the amount of unscheduled hours in the day. This will allow you to see how much time you need to do everything versus how much time you have to get everything done
To-do list, can’t
 Rate each task by priority as either A, B or C
-Tasks rated “A” are high priority and include activities such as class time, and other fixed commitments
-Tasks rated “B” are mid level priority, or tasks that can be postponed another day
-Tasks rated “C” are low level priority, or tasks that don’t require immediate attention
Steps of a To-do List, can’t
 Cross completed tasks off of your to-do list. This can be viewed as a reward and a visible reminder of your diligence
 Don’t panic or berate yourself for completing more “C” tasks during a day than “A” just calmly return to the “A” list


 In order to manage your time effectively, it is important to remember to do the following things:
– monitor the way you are now spending your time
– prioritize tasks on your daily and weekly To-Do lists
– practice effect study techniques
– reduce stress when possible

Number of hours in a day will not change. There will only be 86,400 seconds in a day. It is up to you, how you manage and use each of those seconds. One needs to invest each second. As, it has been rightly said, time once passed will never come again. Busy people are very satisfied, happy and do everything that they want to do in their life. Those, who show that they are busy, end up with frustration, burn-outs, stress and most of the time failure in life and profession. I hope this information has given you some useful tips on how to effectively manage your time and stress level.


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